7:34 PM

First posting,

I'm going to start this one with a few staple links , things you should already have linked but in case you dont, lets dawn some light on your dark abyss.

LoLCats - what is it? well its a bunch of funny cat pictures with weird comments in Lolcatspeak. trust me cracks me up all the time, and i HATE cats.

LolDogs - Not updated as often as Lolcats but still hilarious all the same.

FailBlog - because nothing is funnier then a Fail and nothing is more virtuous then a Win

- Because again nothing is funnier then when people completely mess up the english language and translators make no sense.

OverHeardNYC - Because people say the darndest things, and your nosy ass wants to laugh.

Thats it for now, many more to come. Let me know what you think.
