10:32 PM

still sick

:) Hopefully someone out there is enjoy the blog, I'm going to try to set up a counter soon.
Anyway here we go

Earthbound dog tags- In case you get abducted by aliens....they know JUST where to return you.

Damn its on the tip of my tongue! - ever wanted to find out a word, and you sorta know it but it just wont come to you? well this website is going to help you, just put in partial facts about a word and it will give you a list of possible words your thinking of, isn't is it genius!

Gay penguins wanting to adopt- Because its funny, and the poor things just want to be parents.

Nudibranchs - one of my favorite sea creatures. and some of the prettiest things you probably never heard about. Yay for sea slugs woo.

Everyone Loves the Periodic table- How about this one, a periodic table of awesomements
My favorites include Boobs, William Shatner, Bacon, Dragons and Vampires

Well that's it for today, happy night of wandering and procrastinating.